Friday, November 21, 2008

Guided Reading Lesson Videos

I liked the way teachers conducted the lessons with students. They emphasized predictions by allowing students to predict what they thought the books were going to be about, and also by allowing students to make a connection between the text and their personal experiences. Choices were also important in the classroom as a way to engage them in reading the books they really enjoy, and learning whether the book is just right for their reading level. I liked the technique the second teacher gave the children by reading any page in the book and count how many mistakes they made, that was a good indicator of their reading level.


Mark Rindfuss said...


I agree with you that teacehrs need to stress to students that personal experiences are necessary in learning. Also, teachers need to incorporate personal experiences into their daily lessons. More times than not, students that I have had in the past have talked to me in the hallways about our personal experienes rather than topics and lessons that we covered in class.

Mr. Healy said...

I have not been able to watch the videos yet (our school blocks them), but I did read the case study, which also utilizes a "predicitons" activity. I think that is exciting for students and motivates them to continue reading.

I also like how you pointed out the importance of choice for students. Whenever they can take responsibility for their actions, they benefit.